

设备特点:This machine characteristics
  本生产流水线采用巴氏杀菌工艺,适用于腌渍菜、低温肉制品、酸豆奶制品、果冻等食品饮料的低温灭菌。工艺流程:杀菌—冷却—清洗—干燥,可配备杀菌曲 线记录仪监控生产过程,达到自动效率高,卫生的生产目的。输送机、杀菌机、冷却机和风(烘)干机整个流程连续运行,自动控制。

The production line used pasteurization process, applicable to pickled vegetables, cold meat, sour milk products, jellies and other food and beverages low-temperature sterilization. Process: sterilization - cooling - cleaning - drying, can be equipped with sterilization curve logger to monitor the production process, to automatically and efficiently, the production of health and safety purpose. Conveyor, sterilization machine, cooling machine and wind (drying) machine do the whole flow continuous operation, automatic control.
Output :0.5 --- 5 tons / hour (based on sterilization time for 5-10 minutes).

适用范围:Sphere of application

This machine is suitable for packaging vegetables, pickled vegetables sterilization, low temperature meat products after the second sterilization packaging, beverage sterilization and blanching vegetables and so on.

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